After experimenting with different types of leather, Andrea Santoni discovered that leather from “Pink” calves is of exceptionally high quality. These calves are around one year old. The calves whose hides Santoni uses graze in the Alps at altitudes above 1,600 meters. Due to the varying temperatures in the Alps, the hides of these calves have a very firm and solid structure.
Because the calves graze freely on the Alpine meadows, they only consume natural food. Calves that are given additional feed often experience growth spurts. During a growth spurt, the hide becomes less refined, and the grain and pores open up, which severely impacts the quality of the leather. The Pink calves selected by Santoni are not given supplementary feed, and as a result, they don’t go through growth spurts, meaning their hides are of exceptionally high quality. The grain and pores remain tightly closed, and the calves are less prone to infections.
Strict Inspection
Only 10% of all calf hides that reach the factory in Corridonia are actually used to make Santoni shoes. Each piece of leather is meticulously inspected for any imperfections. When you purchase Santoni boots, you can be confident that you’re getting shoes made from extremely high-quality leather.